Setsuna's Blog Returning (again)

133 words

Hello world, it’s Setsuna.

Can you believe it’s been a WHOLE month since that cyber attack came along and poofed Setsuna’s entire blog into the void, wiping away years of memories, words, and connections built over the span of my blogging journey? But, guess what? Setsuna’s not one to let the digital bullies keep me down for too long.

And old posts will be recovered soon (maybe some are lost). TvT

Setsuna want to send a HUGE, squishy hug to everyone who reached out after the attack. >_< Your messages warmed Setsuna’s heart! It was like being wrapped in a giant fluffy blanket made of love.

Thank you for being part of this new chapter. Let’s embark on this renewed journey, hand in hand.

With enduring love and determination,
18/10/23 Midnight