Friend Links

463 words

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In this era of declining independent blogs, what is the significance of friend links?

According to the definition on Wikipedia, this “SEO method where two or more websites mutually place each other’s links to recommend to users and share user groups” has many advantages, including but not limited to improving website weight, popularity, and conversion rate. However, I don’t value these aspects.

Unlike platforms like Medium and Jianshu, each independent blog is an information island. We don’t have a recommendation mechanism like “you may like these articles written by others”, so besides search engines and social network referrals, we also need a way to connect these information islands together. Exchanging friend links is a great way to bridge this gap. So if you happen to come across this page, feel free to scroll down and see if there are any links below that interest you.

Welcome to exchange friend links with Setsuna, there are no special requirements. Simply provide your “blog title” and “site address” in the comment section below.